About Me

After having had an encounter with the risen Lord on the road to Emmaus, the two travelers asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:32). It is a similarly glorious burning in the heart that has provided the inspiration for each one of the devotionals posted here. These were also meant to be shared, so PLEASE be open and feel free to share anything it may awaken in you. May these, and His Love, bless you royally. -Terri

Thursday, June 15, 2017

God Desires Psalm 51

Do good in Your good pleasure to Zion;
Build the walls of Jerusalem.
Then You shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness,
With burnt offering and whole burnt offering;
Then they shall offer bulls on Your altar.   (Psalm 51:18-19)

Therefore the Lord said:
“Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths
And honor Me with their lips,
But have removed their hearts far from Me,
And their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men..."   (Isaiah 29:13)

God revealed an amazingly abrupt message to me while I was reading Psalm 51 a couple mornings ago.  I'm sorry if this comes across awkwardly; it was hard to express what exploded in my heart at the time when I read it.

Psalm 51 is one of the more well-known and frequently-cited psalms.  It was penned by King David, the "man after God's own heart"  (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22), soon after he had both committed adultery with Bathsheeba and set her husband up to be killed on the front lines of battle (2 Samuel 11:2-5, 14-27).  Devastated by the realization of the sinfulness of these acts and how much they separated him from the holiness of God, David cries out to be forgiven, restored, and renewed.  In fact all of Psalm 51 echoes with these heart-cries (Psalm 51:1-15)...until one reaches verses 18 and 19 (above).  But what is curious is right before these two verses, David reveals something that seems to completely contradict them: 

For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering.   (Psalm 51:16)

But wait.  Verse 16 says that God does NOT want sacrifices and burnt offerings, but then verses 18-19 proclaim that God will be "PLEASED with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole offering..."   So which is it?!  

What God showed me as it applies to what He sees going on these days with "Christians" and "the church"  I think is the answer, and it falls in between these two seemingly contradictory messages:

Verse 17:  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise.

Verse 18:  Do good in Your good pleasure to Zion;
Build the walls of Jerusalem...

(and THEN)...You shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness,
With burnt offering and whole burnt offering;    Verse 19 (parentheses mine)

I believe what God is trying to say is that as we are now, He cannot accept any type of "sacrifice" or "offering" because they are coming from vessels that have either knowingly or unknowingly turned away from Him to go after our own "Bathsheebas" (lusts of the flesh, of they eyes, the pride of life:  1 John 2:15-17) or kill our own "Uriahs" in whatever form that slaughter takes (back-biting, gossip, slander, impatience, wrong thoughts towards others...and the list goes on).  But unlike David, who saw his sin and mourned over how it separated him from God (Psalm 51:3-4), either we are so deceived that we think things are o.k. as they are, or so numb that we may sense that something is not right between God and us, but we have a hard time caring...so in either state, we just continue "honoring God with our lips, with our hearts becoming farther, and farther, and farther from Him" and our "sacrifices and offerings" are like those described in Isaiah 1:11-15, esp. v. 12

And this can be seen in the way "Christians" treat one another; how they treat others; the lack of love in what is supposed to be the Body of Christ; and the twisting of the Gospel in churches by those who call themselves pastors, but who take God's Word and use it to stir up their "audiences" for whatever agenda they may have -- and the "Christians" go right along with it!   Neither checking their Bibles for whether what they are hearing is the truth (Acts 17:11) nor giving much thought to the fact that in the long run, satan and the demonic realm are getting a victory by having many fed on what are ultimately lies mixed with truth, truth mixed with lies:  a little leaven leavens the whole lump (Galatians 5:7-9). 

Broken vessels, but no broken and contrite spirit...

(Be astonished, O heavens, at this, And be horribly afraid; Be very desolate,” says the Lord.
“For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters,
And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water.)      (Jeremiah 2:12-13; see also, Luke 5:37-39)

...BUT, God wants to "do good to Zion"...to "Build the walls of Jerusalem," which I believe means that we come to Him NOW in repentance (as David did, with a broken and contrite spirit), aware of the distance we have created between Him and us; to petition Him for restoration - to be re-connected with Him AND with other brothers and sisters in Christ; and to expect the renewal of our souls and spirits if our requests to Him are sincere.  To confess our love of the things of this world; the tainted (or non-existent) love in our hearts for Him and others; and the laziness of seeking after spiritual things (Colossians 3:1-4), which makes us that much more vulnerable to the "wolves in sheep's clothing" who are NOT speaking the Truth to us...and to satan and the demonic realm's inevitable attacks (1 Peter 5:8).  

And through our confession and surrendering, He will graciously and mercifully build us (the Spirit of Christ within us) up as the "old man" withers and dies (Galatians 2:20):

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.   (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.  But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.   (2 Corinthians 3:17-18)

But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth.  Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.  (Colossians 3:1-17, vv. 3-11 here). 

AND THEN...whatever "sacrifices" and "offerings" come from us will be being presented to Him from hearts that are fully and solely surrendered to Him...being transformed into the image of His Son...AND THEN...He can be pleased.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise.

Then You shall be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness,
With burnt offering and whole burnt offering;
Then they shall offer bulls on Your altar. 

And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove.  Then a voice came from heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”  (Mark 1:10-11)

Thank you God for  You, for Your Son, and for the Holy Spirit.  May You come soon.  And may we be made ready. 

In His Love,  ❤ 


Saturday, April 22, 2017

The God Who Is

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Beautiful Garments

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

At the Right Place...At the Right Time...Forever

Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going.   (John 6:21)

Such a simple sentence with such a profound meaning...that is what I thought this morning after reading it. 

Jesus had just fed thousands of people on five loaves of bread and two small (mind you, small) fish with the help of his disciples (John 6:1-11).  Because of this miracle, the masses, as supernaturally perceived by Jesus, wanted to forcibly make him their king - apparently due to having their bellies amply satisfied (6:15, 6:26).  Knowing this was not His time yet to be King (and certainly not in this way), Jesus withdrew Himself to a nearby mountain and later met back up with His crew of disciples by literally walking on the water to join them in their boat; and of course they were scared...(6:16-19)

...What should they do?!  Who was this man that he could even walk on water?  What would happen if they touched Him and then drew Him into the boat???!!!

Not that these were the actual thoughts of any or all of the men who walked closely with Jesus during his "reign" here on earth (what would you think?!).   But regardless, the Son of God knew that they were afraid; and so He comforted them (6:20), and they then accepted Him into their midst.  And immediately after receiving Him, the boat was at the land where they were going...they were immediately and precisely where they needed to be. 

Ever heard of being "at the right place at the right time"?  Or ever have that sense that "all is right with the world" (or at least your own corner of it) and that you wouldn't want to be anywhere else for that moment - or moments - in time?  Aren't those states of mind/being...nice, wonderful, euphoric...? 

...but oh...so fleeting. 

That's because we were never meant to have a state of mind based on our external (or even internal) circumstances as our basis for that kind of peace, euphoria, joy, satisfaction.  It's impossible.  Because just like that state of mind/being, the circumstances that feed it are also just as temporary.  

But what if there was a way to be at the right place at the right time, or to be able to affirm that ALL was well with your soul ALL of the time (or at least for much of the time while still here on earth)? 

There is.  His Name is Jesus. 

"...But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”  (Luke 10:38-42)

...and immediately the boat was at the land where they were going. 

When someone receives Jesus into his or her vessel (themselves), he/she is exactly where he or she needs to be: in His Presence.  And because of His Amazing Presence, no matter what happens internally or externally, there is a profound sense of things being o.k....even if everyone else (and sometimes even you!) thinks it should be otherwise.  As soon as the disciples received Jesus into the boat, it was exactly where it needed to be...immediately...

...likewise with us.  When we reconnect with our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, through His Son Jesus Christ, we no longer have to long for those "heavenly" seconds in time when things finally seem to be at peace...and then it's gone.  No.  When we receive Jesus into our vessel, we too are exactly where we need to be...immediately...because we have the One Who Loves us the most living inside of us; and just like Jesus told Mary, it...He...will never be taken away from the one who has received Him.

God bless you all!
